......almost got it! (She ended up getting ONE to her mouth!)
Monday, July 30, 2007
First finger-foods!!
Future fisherwoman & her grandad!
Another Concert in the Park!!
Aunt Haley playing "pee-pie" with Rylie...it always cracks her up! Here she is with her grandmother, Sherry!
Rylie & John Gavin with Pawpaw
The cousins again with Pawpaw......Rylie is hamming it up again! I wonder where she gets that????
River Rats
Silly Rylie
This is how she has been sleeping these days....with her knees curled up under her! Too cute!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
A visit from Aunt Mel
Haleigh cheesing for the camera....she was giving us a fashion show in her new outfits! She helped me puree the peaches for the ice cream, but unfortunately I didn't read the instructions to my kitchenaid ice-cream attachment & most of the ice cream ended up on the kitchen wall & on Stewart!
Mamie & Pawpaw
Pimp my Wagon!!!!
A "fox" sticker & flames completed the custom look.....
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Fourth of July & other adventures aboard the Funship!
Hollie & Emily enjoying a ride in the tube!
Rylie's new tricks!!!!
This is a funny one that was actually taken on Aunt Melinda's birthday! She was licking the side of the pack n' play! Hilarious! She is getting funnier everyday. She will be 8 months old tomorrow...I can't believe it!