Thursday, June 2, 2011

We rented some library books and one was a story about a rooster who was baking strawberry shortcake. It had a recipe in the back, so Rylie really wanted to make she is with her finished creation:)

Like Father, Like Son....

A girl's gotta look stylish when doing sidewalk art....

Decided to give herself a marker mustache...

Check out the new teeth...

Fun at Biscuit's Backyard:)

Rylie says she is marrying Tripp and Kaylen says she is marrying Cohen so that Rylie and Kaylen can be sisters. The girls are 2 years and 4 years older than the boys, thus Dawn and I lovingly refer to them as the "cougs" aka cougars! Haha!

Last day at preschool riding bikes with Andrew and Kaylen.

Lined up all her Barbies in the hall with one Ken and said "Mommy, what is that show where they give out the roses?" HAHAHAHA! Too much Bachelor watching around here!

A day at the Spoiled Rockin' Kids Salon...A trim, glitter for her hair, vanilla scented hairspray, and a purple balloon! What could be better?

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