Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Rylie's first day of preschool and other goings-on....

August...the hottest month of the year and yet I can't deny my toddle the pleasure of washing our car...(I practically begged her to just let us take it through the car wash, but she would hear nothing of the sort!). So, we got out there and washed my jeep and when daddy got home from work, Rylie decided his truck was dirty too. I thought it was too cute, the way she stretched so far to get as high as she could! The bottom 3 1/2 feet of his truck look great:)
We went grocery shopping today.....$130 of groceries for $67! Woo-hoo! We also had a fun playdate with 3 of Rylie's friends. Yesterday was a milestone in the Fox household...Rylie started preschool! She is going 2 days a week and she is sooo excited! So without further ado, here are some pics of her first day!

We got up and had a special breakfast of blueberry pancakes, eggs and bacon. (Ariel dined with Rylie, as pictured).

After donning her new first day of school outfit and accessories, she posed for a few pics. We had her backpack and a matching lunchbox with her name, but then she decided she had rather carry her princess lunchbox instead.

A classic mom has one just like this of me on my first and last day of school. She has the same of my sister, and my sister has taken this picture of her girls on their first day. It is tradition...

This is the craft she made her first day...they had a beach theme and they made a mini-beach scene! She was so proud. I found it in the refrigerator today...not sure why it was there?!

I have several projects that are ongoing. This is the first to reach completion. Pantry makeover!

Hopefully, more projects to follow!

Rylie, doing one of my workout videos with her "weights"

too cute not to post...a smile for the ladies!

She loves her brother!

My babies:)

love the look on Cohen's face....

my fave!

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