Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Easter!

Rylie & John Gavin watering ALL of our tulips! I bought them watering cans & I have never seen anything hold their attention so long! What a great investment:) They literally played in the yard for HOURS! It was so cute.

Here is my little Easter bunny posing for a pic.

So cute! Rylie & Stewart were sitting in the garage, whiling away the hours while it rained.

I told Rylie to pose for me.....sometimes she can be a ham! I have about 7 more after this, each with a different expression!

Just in case you forgot what I look like......JK! Stewart took this one.

I told you we had lots of tulips! My dear sweet husband planted hundreds of them, red, white, yellow, orange & pink! Tulips are my favorite flower...he is really such a romantic guy:)

Tip-toeing thru the tulips!

She was probably getting so tired of me trying to get her to smile & play in the tulips! She was a good sport, though!

One more!

Checking out the inside!

“He is not here. He has risen from the dead as he said he would.” Matthew 28:6
“He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).

(Praise, God! Don't forget to stop & thank our Lord for his sacrifice and his continuing mercy & grace! God is so good & we serve a risen savior! Thank you, Jesus!)
Have a Happy Easter, everyone!

1 comment:

dawn wilson said...

Gorgeous post!!! I love driving by your house everyday after school and seeing all of your tulips. You need a H'ville Beautification sign in your yard!!!