Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Great News!!!

As most of you may already know, we are expecting our second child later this year...(Praise God!) This is truly a blessing, because I have had fertility issues and as most of you know, lost my last baby early last year due to a miscarriage. God has proven faithful and full of rich blessings and has allowed us to walk through that tough season and go on to rejoice as we found out (after about 8 more months of trying) that we were again expecting. Rylie ( our 3 year old) is the sweetest, most precious gift God has ever given me, and I think Stewart would agree! Now we are happy to announce that we went in for an ultrasound this week, and the baby is healthy and growing strong (All praise to God!!!!) and it's.....a BOY! This is quite a shocker (in a good way) to Stewart and myself, because we both fully expected to have 2 girls. You can imagine our surprise when the ultrasound lady said "ITS A BOY!" Rylie went with us to the appointment and she is thrilled to be having a little brother. She has been telling everyone that has asked her all along that she was going to have a little brother...uncanny coincidence! I think all children are truly blessings from the Lord and I thank him daily for entrusting us with the one that we have and the one we are expecting. They are little miracles from God. I am a bit nervous because apparently this is a big baby already (the Dr. said I am measuring a week ahead) and I have gestational diabetes which requires me to take insulin each night by injection. If you remember, I would ask you to please continue to pray for the health of this little one I am carrying and that I will be diligent in watching my diet. I thank you for all the prayers and encouragement that you have offered my family and we cherish our friends and family. You are all blessings as well, and we love you. So, with that, I will leave you with the promise to keep you posted as we progress ever closer to the expected arrival of our newest little Fox!


Ashley Turnbull said...

Emily - so happy for you guys, and I will praise the Father along with you! Just knowing what that positive pregnancy test means after all you've been through - BEEN THERE! Praise the Lord for such a happy day. And, yay for boys!!! Y'all will be great parents to a little boy :-) See you soon!

Jaci Spain said...

Congratulations on a BOY! That is very exciting. I'm sure ya'll were totally shocked:)

dawn wilson said...

a week ahead or a month ahead?

Sweet post. I am sooo excited to meet Mr. Fox in the nearing months! :)