Sunday, October 26, 2008

Family Pumpkin Carve!

We had a family pumpkin carve night...1st Annual! First, we chose a design for our pumpkin & carved it, while eating chili & watching "The Great Pumpkin". (Stewart made fun of me for checking this out at the library, since it comes on TV every year! But what would a family pumpkin carving night be without watching The Great Pumpkin?) Then, Rylie & I made some decorations for the front door & we finished off the evening with a batch of orange sugar cookies that looked like jack-o-lanterns with all different facial expressions! Rylie loved the finished product so much, she kissed it! (See above picture:)

Of course we chose the spider web, since Rylie is into all things "Charlotte's Web" these days!

Here are the cut-outs we made for the front door.....Rylie kept ripping the eyes off the pumpkin for some reason....

Rylie, posing by the jack-o-lantern!

Enjoying a pumpkin cookie!

Showing Daddy how it's done!

Trying on her pig mask that she got at Hayden's birthday party! (Once again, a throw back to "Wilbur" from Charlotte's Web"....I am telling you she loves it!

Cleaning out the slimy pumpkin guts!!


Ashley Turnbull said...

I am so impressed w/ your pumpkin. It trumps my "T" big time! Riley is just adorable...y'all are one fun family! Happy Halloween!

dawn wilson said...

How much fun! I think I have one pumpkin left from my halloween party... We might have to have our own little pumpkin carving night! If I can talk Allen in to it! :)

Anonymous said...

The pics are very cute, and I'm very impressed with the pumpkin. You are so creative, Emily. Happy Halloween!
-Catherine W.