Monday, November 19, 2007

Rylie's First Birthday!!!

Somehow these pictures got out of sequence it is too late for me to try to figure it out....oh, well! Here is Rylie on her first carousel ride.....she wasn't too sure about anything. She kept her game face the whole time....

Stewart & I gave her a grocery cart & lots of little pretend groceries.....she stayed so busy, pushing the cart around the house & even putting groceries away in the cabinet where I keep my cans, etc. She is too funny!

Here are some pictures from Rylie's actual first birthday (not the day of the big party!)....this is breakfast. I put her "1" tiara on her & got a quick pic before she promptly snatched it off her head!

After a morning of playing in her drawer in the kitchen, she was worn out. She loves holding on to her little spoons & she wouldn't let this one go, even when I rocked her to sleep & put her in her crib!

After lunch at El Palacio with Grandmother B., Papa C, Vickie & Phillip (who brought Rylie balloons & she loved them!), Aunt Lakyn & Aunt Haley,----Rylie & I met up with Daddy & went to Bridge Street to ride the carousel. Here I am in the teacup with Rylie.


Ashley Turnbull said...

Emily - great pictures! It's fun to see that ya'll got to enjoy Bridge Street. I love that they have these fun attractions! Can't wait to enjoy them myself...anyway, Riley is adorable. I love the updates!

The Terrys said...

how sweet! i can't believe she is growing so fast! miss you!